The Symbiosis Project is a monument to the common man. The “little guy” if you will. Those men and women around the world who mine and manufacture, design and construct, transport, maintain and grow all of the goods and services we use every day. When you take into consideration that it is their combined buying power that supports financial markets around the globe the “little guy” really isn’t so little after all.
Therefore, to represent the common man’s true stature, the monument, which is designed as a simple human form figure, is built on the same scale as the buildings in downtown civic centers all across the country. At 650 10 1100 feet tall it is two to three times the size of the Statue of Liberty.
Hidden in Plain Sight
From the grizzliest street urchin to the wealthiest industrialist, human beings find a way to survive. Mostly it’s a matter of common sense. But we’ve become so desensitized that we fail to see what’s hidden in plain sight. Our task is to illuminate.
We have designed the Symbiosis Project for just that purpose. We don’t need to look outside of ourselves to solve the problems now facing us. We solve intractable problems all the time and have done so for hundreds of years. Average people, working together. The monument serves as a focal point for this message. A message we intend to broadcast in every medium, in every country as long as the monument stands.
For instance - we would be dead without farmers because most of us couldn’t grow our own food if we tried. But farmers need equipment. That equipment is designed by engineers and made from raw materials dug up by hard working, ordinary people the world over. Those materials are delivered to processing plants by trucks designed and built by more ordinary people where it is processed with machines designed by more engineers and artists. The materials are refined and shaped into parts that are assembled by people we never meet or have an opportunity to thank for the myriad of devices we use every day to keep ourselves alive.
You see with a little illumination we begin to understand that our lives are dependent on millions of other people doing their jobs each and every day just like us.
For Project Information:
Mr. Charles Quinn
Executive Director
The Symbiosis Project
(562) 546-2140
Text Copyright © 2010
The Symbiosis Project
Illustration & Concept © 1992
Studio Sowasi
May not be reprinted, copied or transmitted
In whole or in part without the expressed
Written permission of
The Symbiosis Project and Studio Sowasi
4:47 PM
Charles Quinn